Friday 7 September 2012


'The mother tongue is constantly swelling without fear of diminishing in any shape or form- unlike any of its bastard upstart offspring. Masters of the mother-tongue are at liberty to use words from any language creatively including colloquialisms such as 'precinct'- their use does not imply that the user has caught the Empire Virus 'Americanisation' suggested by the ever watchful Ed Strong. I am not enamoured of the glamour of the clamourous Americans and have armour.' CM

'Trying my very best to avoid dying at 'Are You Really Alive And Kicking Dot Com'- YES living does actually involve quite a lot of doing ones level best to avoid the inevitable- ducking and diving the scythe of the grim reaper. He's gay btw: always up for a blowie; swallowing gives you a few more years BUT only if you're a male bear daddy like me. Tee hee. I'm going to work now. Kapow!' CM

'If you proceed [I always think misguidedly] to the deeply prejudicial and biased GENDER ISSUES section of any good bookstore, you will find that volumes there relating directly to male issues constitute about 1% of the whole and some of those books will have been written by women. Women, on the whole will have bought them, if they have sold at all.
This is A proof [not empirical proof] that women
 are far more gender agenda driven than men- at a stroke that makes them improbable to second guess and highly motivated to be manipulative in winning the game of 'What Women Want'.

Men's 'agendas' with regard to women are far less complex and almost always purely animal- even when she says NO it is not the great horror she supposes.
Men have anciently eschewed shrews and turned to their right hand, their right hand men, or animals. It is just a question of ejecting sperm. That men are not constantly fixated by ALL that constitutes a woman is always taken by women to be a slight because from the cradle they are taught to demand worship from the wombless.

Do men give a fuck- when on balance the outcome is worth the bother, maybe. Beyond that they have lives that could easily be lived without fucking women and really, as the future unfolds, and the 'cult of the womb laden' is at last broken, that may prove to have been the most astute of masculine character traits.' CM

'Today I am not in the best of places despite being in a very privileged place: please, no cheap and cheesy, way too easy, jibes about the plight of others; I suffer enough already from the insights afforded one gifted with a multiplicity of eyes.

What have you forgot that I have not- the way the Khmer Rouge would murder their own; bash live babies skulls against the bark of trees; slow bake enfo
rced abortions for the cause of witchery. Quite recently recorded atrocities slipped far below your radar.

What has just occurred in Aurora, USA, is NOTHING by comparison. Who really gives a shit now- it did not involve you. And will you give a shit for it in three weeks time. Meanwhile build your sentimental shrines of candles, cut-flowers and teddy bears. They mean NOTHING except to say that the scope of your empathy is minuscule- no more than the diameter of your gene pool or each one of your mass hysterical teardrops.

Where is your global context- it has been destroyed by your self-interest and applauded by your ignorance.

And I am not any better. We deserve ourselves.' CM

'High summer weather here- I am not cheering for fear of making the spiteful among you raindance: fans of Carlos Castaneda will doubtless know how, their know-how garnered from arcane volumes written under the influence of magic shrooms. Last night my gloom was invigorated by a repeat of the embarrassing show GB put on at the closing of the Beijing olympics: Boris flag waving with such appropriate
 amateurishness and Becks missing the target from the top of an 'exploding' London bus; absolutely marvelous shit that foretold of the stupendous shit that awaits us all on Friday. The real cost of these 'games' at the height of a world-wide double dip recession will never be fully disclosed. The British just like global bankers are simply not to be believed when it comes to money- that is precisely why London is hailed by all as the financial capital of the world. The sun is gold today- what price an ounce of gold in three weeks time?' CM

If you aspire to receive critiques like this then apply to join the best writing group ever: 'Yes indeed, we are only human but there really are no excuses for our inhumanities thrown down on the table like yarrow sticks in section three. The soft yellow light intrigues me- like we have returned to our aquatic roots and swim about in our own piss oblivious to..well almost all of it. This reads to 
me a tad like Beckett but with less obvious bitterness. I wonder if I'm right in thinking that you tried for something and just fell short of it, felt you did. I do this a lot and I sniff a common ground. Your writing is always a delight to me: you make me reach for the dictionary but not so much that it becomes irritating. The dull ache of a ghost limb is hanging around. To attack magick in the first sentence was brave- you slithered out of your own trap with a reasonable nod to evasiveness. I would think about excising that beginning- me, allergic to the wonders of chocolate but not averse to a shot of morphine when the occasion arises. I am pretty sure that I don't agree with you when you say ' We feel only that which we can bear to feel.' From my own experience I can say one has no foreknowledge of what dreadful feeling one can bear- it is suddenly there and you have to deal with it and no amount of quantifying or comparisons will aid your plight.' CM

This references the Facebook group THE MOST ACE PLACE TO POST ACE WRITING

'I can understand someone limply saying that there is always wrong on both sides BUT there are those occasions when the wrong is actually totally on the one side and there is no escaping the fact that the wrongdoer has to take the responsibility and the consequences of that.

Were that wrongdoer me I would never be so weaselly as to suggest otherwise. I don't do ill-informed humourless, tactless e
xpressions and non-empathy, and I ALWAYS do my utmost at ALL times to keep my promises and fulfill my commitments: if I fail at ANY of the above then it is my fault and I have no trouble whatsoever holding my hand up to it.

Some misdemeanors in this area are so destructive that there is no going back and patience stretched over a number of years has finally snapped. This is not a statement of a moral high ground. This is a fact of life. And yes I will cover my back from any unwarranted attacks on how I choose to live my life and when I reach the point of cracking.

The trouble with collaborations is that I so want them to work but generally I find myself lumbered with people who do not share the same gung-ho enthusiasm. Such is my considerable experience of working disappointingly in concert with rock/pop musos from the celebrated to the unknown that I have a very clear utterly jaded view of the music industry and have seen the folly of my own somewhat juvenile hopes for it.

I will not be treated like shit for something that has all the hallmarks of amounting to shit. This is not in the least arrogant- it is a perfectly positive stance for self preservation. If anyone takes exception to this so be it. Stop deluding yourself.' CM

'Elsewhere. Ole! Tomorrow is another day- brothers and sisters of the blissful and the rudimentary. Do something special- never stint on those endorphins.' CM

'My head is still on my body. I think that's a significant factor for pursuing more thoughts of any further longevity.' CM

'Every photographic image our mind receives flatters to deceive our intellects- too feeble to discern in them the flash cash moment not snapped as judiciously as we might wish. It is all too easy to see them as windows to truth when nothing could be further from the truth. What of the immediately before and after- the world can change on the toss of a coin. This is why poetry persists- its pictures are blessed with an ancient veracity.' CM

'Sweet lady, when I write with a rush of emotion I always do so in notebooks first. I have had MDD all my life so I have learned to live with regular bouts of deeply depressive periods, despite the cocktail of prescriptive drugs, all of which render me actually suicidal at times.

The fact that I am still here irritating the fuck out of grunts, bigots and pedants, is due to my man, my dogs, my clo
se friends and the talent that I enjoy mentoring, and my positive contacts on social networking platforms- you know who you are. What you give to me is vital and deeply appreciated.

I am in a very velvet dark space today but I have come here and found some light. I hope with all my heart that I am pushing you gently in the right direction- my poet seer's intuition is something I have learned to trust.

It is people who create the disappointments that I find so hard to take and broken promises are my achilles heel. Yes I know life would not be life without them- but I find them particularly cruel. It was one broken promise too many that destroyed my collaboration with The Queer Messiah Banned. I have moved on. No more spurious juvenilia. Fifteen years of relating to the vacuous rock/pop industry almost did for me Michelle Lee Escobedo- but there may be a book in it.

You are not alone in distant New Mexico. There are others who care for you- others who suffer similarly to you. Keep at the troubled rite of expressing yourself through creative writing. You do eventually get used to the cruel and the bleak and learn to find many ways to give it the fabulous finger.' CM

'I have swallowed tabs and now must lay my damaged back on something dead flat- that would be The Radio Times Special Guide to The London Olympics then AND Sir Steve Redgrave's career as a sport's reporter OR an invite to dine at Number 10 with The Camerons: I could go on, this flat list is way longer than the tapeworm in the the guts of the fattest person in the world.' CM

'Love and hate: I am much irritated and thus perversely thoroughly entertained by the misuse and abuse of these two extremes and was wondering how this contemporary dilemma could be resolved; should they perhaps be accorded value as in a numerical system, the highest love being love-to-the-power-of-ten- NO...because some twat of a kid would very soon say that they love Chicken Nuggets that much. WTF! I hate it to the power of ten and, reacting like a random John Doe American, want the dictionary of modern usage nuked. My passionate hatred of Chicken Nuggets is based on a very informed understanding of their ingredients and manufacture and the raison d'etre for the risible McDonald's empire.' CM

'Much mirth can be had from stating frankly what one likes or dislikes- smegma is a personal hygiene matter that, were I to be confronted by it, would conclude proceedings immediately. Though I do know there are types labelled 'sleaze pigs' who would have their excitement heightened by it. I dislike the colour gum-pink which used to be so beloved by Medical Facilities. I like taupe. I dislike the 
fact that despite living 28 yrs with a man of colour I cannot, as a bona fide creative artist, use the word nigger without being vilified. If I were a member of a racist faith I would be considered to have a contextual excuse. WTF! I so dislike double standards. Unlike most Caucasians I tend to the view that the USA is predominantly a coloured country.' CM

'I will, tiresome as it is, repeat my personal position and it comes with no agenda. I have no truck with contorted and tortured poetic forms which, for me, are redolent of Bonsai which seems to me to be cruelty to trees and akin to zoos. They are all unnecessary in 'my' world but clearly they are a great boon to control freaks which the Chinese and Japanese are known for. They are great therapy f
or people who cannot create artistic expression without boundaries- I can never see these poor souls as being truly free so I am seldom interested in their output. Added to which, modernly, the rise of the risible 'writing group' has led to members being set tasks such as writing these ancient writing forms and vaunting their excellence at grasping the fundamentals of a fair-isle knitting pattern. This shit is what it is but it it is not Poetry- not in my book. Neither am I a fan of effuse praise particular when it is not securely anchored. When it is not the least anchored, as in most cases, then it is sycophantic and no more than an origami boat afloat on a sea of self-importance: deeply irritating. You of course may disagree most vehemently. I hope you do. I like to think, often misguidedly, that this is a free world.' CM

'Ho ho ho- far from having a LGBTQ AGENDA I would happily nuke the lot of the mealy mouthed self-interested bastards for all the good they actually do as a supposedly pro-active minority group: they are constant squabbling among themselves, are late starters and very rarely finish.

Compared to the smaller disabled lobby they are rank amateurs letting themselves be run by the elite gays and their 
sycophants who ply their lifestyle in London.
PLUS for everyone's info I am quite set against gay marriage being in any way imitative of heterosexual secular or religious marriage, those institutions are crocks and quite clearly not fit for purpose so who the fuck but an idiot would want them. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with being born a bastard- it is a very royal habit.'CM

'My Achilles heel is reprehensible people who break promises, worse if they have made them in public, worst of all if they have made them very widespread and in some sense embroiled me without my prior approval. It seems we live in an age when a promise, a vow or even a contractual obligation can be viewed as non-binding and that the responsibilities inherent in them can be binned as nothing more than trifles. Not in MY world. I am wired to practice personal integrity.' CM

'CIRCUMCISION: Oh dear. I have argued this tirelessly at super human length many times before that my unprotected finger pads have gotten quite sore. The removal of the foreskin for ANY reason other than a medical NECESSITY is nothing less than barbaric.

Those that do it because of faith are barking mad and seek to improve on God's work- seeing as we are supposed to be made in God's image. It follows God got us wrong in the foreskin department. But God is ineffable- so it is said. Fucking twats.

Secondly the hygiene debacle is based on American research carried out in the fifties which has since been thoroughly discredited. There is NO empirical scientific evidence anywhere that the foreskin is a malignant part of the human being and a danger to women.

Thirdly there are now modernist Jewish sects who are refusing to have their babies circumcised.

Fourthly when we begin to talk about the ritual mutilation of the female body [always conducted by females] the empathy response soars to almost 100%. Pure unadulterated sexism.

Now embrace the truth and shut the fuck up on this matter for once and for all. It is a tiresome and pathetic farce.

There is a false preconception that women are fastidious and men are not- this cannot be proven and is wholly prejudicial. I have never in my life exercised my amorous pleasures with an unwashed cock.' CM

'I am waiting for a gifted socialist economist to reveal how much per capita each of our gold medals in our haul at these current 'games' looks like costing the British population: there is very strong evidence to suggest that NO economic knock on effect has been derived by any city or nation hosting the previous four Olympiads. please do not mention Lottery Funding- that is government taxation by another name and THE ONLY source of tax that is in any way ring-fenced.' CM

'Taste is not merely in the mouth of the beholder as Ed Strong wittily suggested, taste is in any orifice of most beholders but most fortunately in the arse of a blessed few; the remnants are mere pissers or gobshites. The taste arsists have an innate sense for knowing what tomorrow's black will be. They are without question insane. Taste became irreversibly tasteless at the onset of the sixties- that nauseating veggie biscuit Paul McFartknee is living proof; soon to be dead one hopes. The Fartknee daughter is responsible for the risible clothing of the GB team and the medallion presenters- a Gibbon could have done better. Those women in purple dresses are wearing their jam-rags on the outside. WTF!' CM

'TRUE MAGIC. It is a mix of profound creativity, patience and commitment that creates magic- it never ever happens in the instant demanded of this instant world.
However in this equally materialistic age the rich can create a type of near instant magic by buying/demanding it- getting what they want, when they want it. They can purchase the services of a total interior design company- go away on a 
ten star holiday and return to an utterly refurbished and reinvented ten bedroom home in Chelsea.
Such power over 'things' has a mass appeal. That is exactly why Lotteries survive globally.
But is that really what you want- the power over 'things' before you have mastered any degree of responsible control over your own immense powers such as being so parochial, so self-interested, so careless, so wasteful, so dead from the neck up.

Should you ever become tragically rich will it become an opportunity for learning and growth and philanthropy or an opportunity for yet more apathy and indolence. Why not start the long process of making some real magic happen today.' CM

'I am not P.O.S.H. [port out starboard home on luxury liners or being fucked by David Beckham] but I do rather like some posh nosh- though I loathe it out and very much prefer my board at home: English muffins toasted on an open fire; French slightly salted butter; croissants; baguettes [FR colloq for penis]; Quail's eggs; smoked Scottish salmon; Scottish oatmeal and rough oatcakes; Bath Olivers; Caviar; Roquefort; Stilton; Greek sheep's milk feta cheese and yogurt; wild mushroom pate; home-made humous; Jersey royals potatoes; black olives stones-in; BUT I HATE WINE AND PARTICULARLY CHAMPAGNE.' CM

'I am looking forward to the closing ceremony- far prefer to celebrate a funeral than a birth, it makes so much more sense to herald what has been achieved rather than what one hopes may be achieved. Just love a good pyre. I want my bonfire ashes mixed with loads of wild British flower seeds and sprinkled on Figsbury Ring- part of the Stonehenge group. The significance of that is a very well kept secret.' CM

'Jamaica whose flag is very evident right now is known for having a population given to using anal intercourse as a method of contraception indeed it is reported that Jamaican men prefer it that way and have a superstitious dislike or fear of the vagina. Ironic then that Jamaica is one of those vile countries that all but promotes gay bashing and killing and continues to maintain vindictive statut
ory penalties against LGBTQ practices. We can but hope that the legend who is Usain Bolt turns out to be homosexual- there is no formula known to mankind for telling who fits the mold. Gay people living in Jamaica live in fear for their life and have been reported to say it would be suicidal to come out. All civilized countries should agree to boycott this deeply bigoted island in as many ways as possible.' CM

'Personally I am not interested in the obtuse when it is arrived at obliquely. I am a cards on the table type of person. If you intend to be obtuse and succeed at being obtuse then you will always have the perfect excuse for being constantly misunderstood. I find that to be quite unfathomable and bordering on the downright pretentious- the art of writing is to communicate and you do not do that wi
th the same set of rules that apply to those who construct crossword puzzles in the world's finest newspapers.

As an Editor- I could find no reason to publish such a piece nor would I be the least interested in reading a publication whose raison d'etre was to publish writing which sets out to deceive through obtuseness and obscurity.

There is already far too much self-justified 'art' that could be justly ridiculed once it has been brought into the light of day and the perpetrator has extracted their head from their arse.' CM

'I'm at one of those cyclical junctures where I don't like poetry very much and what is more to the point I like other people's attempts at it even less. This maybe because I have exposed myself so much and to too much. I have no idea why I am devoting so much time here THE MOST ACE PLACE TO POST ACE WRITING- a place of my own creation for the posting of ace writing where, well, to be frank, I don
't see the aces fighting for spaces.

I have recently very happily joined forces with a brilliant mind and original satirist- together we already have devised many exciting and original ways of better absorbing our time and I would rather be working on those projects. I would rather be working on those projects than arguing the toss concerning intentional obtuseness, reader unfriendly lack of structure and an anarchic view to communicating with a putative audience/readership via the conduit of an art-form that I love and have repeatedly said demands immense intellectual rigor, experience and application of skills as well as vast natural talent.

I am retired and tired of tirelessly freely teaching and reaching out to the gifted with my various kindnesses. My favourite thing is to be personally diverted by the immensely gifted using whatever mode of expression.

This group has become a depressing slog for me and I am taking a break from it. I suspect it will go the way of all other writing groups on FB- become dominated by Americans and sink to the lowest common denominator. So be it.' CM

'Oh hiss and piss. At least some of my several selves have access to elsewhere and a smidgen of bliss. I'd be be a fool not to take it and I am martyring my soul no more. I have to say that I am so fucked off with being fucked off by beings who fuck me off that I have had quite enough and am going to fuck off. So there. Life is both cruel and unfair and if you do not know that then you are deluded to the point of insanity AND if you are insane then 'good for you' you never suffer the pain of reality like I do.' CM

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