Saturday, 1 December 2012


Cartoon Strip by DPF for QMM INC at i2i designs international
copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.

'Banking in Billingshurst was relatively joyless yesterday. It was like pulling hen's teeth but I did my best.

I know its very unkind- the material was scant, but the guy serving in the charity shop looked like a turnip on a one pronged fork. I know looks aren't everything but he speaks like a threadbare Sweep from Sooty and Sweep [check on YouTube] and is clearly one glass bauble short of a six p
I was buying a DVD.
He had to remove the sticky sticker and re-stick it on the right page of a 'master' book.
He had to search for the actual DVD. [People actually steal from charity shops]
The DVD cost £2. I gave him two coins. He counted them twice then proceeded to negotiate the till. I was losing the will to be more than kind and quite grateful for the prohibitive gun laws we have in the UK. I realise I am part insane- but I relish my freedom to be that.

In the second hand charity bookshop I burst out laughing- I had chanced upon a copy of an Anne Rice paperback from her Vampire series IN GERMAN. What are the chances of that being sold I asked the sales team. They immediately started to josh about koshing the Bosch as the middle English are wont to. Dan related to them the story of a promotional trip he had made to Northern Germany- upon entering a lift, he said to this German business man, you first. The German replied- no, you first, after all, you won the war. Middle England laughing in Billingshurst.

Later- whilst waiting for our Hollywood 'A' Listers to join us I caught a programme on Channel 4 where Hitler was being shown badly in denial that he was losing the war against the Russian Army and the Russian Winter. This delusion coincided with his plan with Himmler to exterminate as many Jews and other 'undesirables' in Europe as was possible- they had already had a trial run in Russia.

This week I have been reminded of all the psychology and philosophy lectures I ever attended as a student...

The work of Stanley Milgram came tolling in my head. 'Humans are socialised to be obedient from an early age. We feel compelled to comply with the commands of authority figures. People do what they are told to do...even when this conflicts with our own moral values.' Indeed. And the turnip at the till in the charity would have gone to the gas chambers hand in hand with my man and I. The Germans believed in themselves and in what they were doing. That is manifestly so.

The Jews got an utterly fabricated 'homeland' out of the holocaust. [Actually they jumped the gun and stole it- but that is for another day] There was never any suggestion of creating such a 'homeland' for gays- HOW RIDICULOUS THE MASSES CRY. The basis for their difference bears no comparison to those argued by the Jews- or does it? Give it some objective thought.

Personally I am very glad that a gay state never came into being. What a frightful place it would be. Every bit as frightful as Israel. Segregation-freely undertaken is not a friend of integration. It is arrogant tribalism. If we are to evolve there should be no ghettos.

We should also have learned the lessons of history but we have not. None of us. The accused and the accusers. The abused and the abusers.

It's become like tinnitus in my ears-
'People do what they are told to do...even when this conflicts with our own moral values.'

Freedom? You're having a laugh. LOL.' CM

'Sunday- oy vey, the Jews are double parking in St John's Wood London. Because they can, because its not their sacred day and because they own most of the high-end neighbourhood.

Shall I be going to Church- in a swift lurch towards absolute insanity. I'll give it a miss. Loads of oddbod God toadies will be there grovelling in the forlorn hope that dopey the deity may turn a blind eye to all their
 capitalist greed and recidivist sinning.

We are human and we are out of control IN SO FAR AS it is so difficult for the greater mass of us to do anything other than behave as we have been wired to behave and that is largely TO BEHAVE. Ironic that our anarchy is to do as we are told.

Research your own history of Psychology and Human Development.

Soldiers kill as they are taught to do. We shop needlessly despite its flagrant display of greed in the global context. Outside our confinements defined by our particular slaveries- we dare not go for fear of not knowing what to do.

SADLY we are teaching our children to follow the same paradigms. This is a major crime against humanity. Some call it parenting- moulding kids to mimic perfecto mum and dad.

The parents are a lost cause.

Pause for thought with regard to the children- they can be saved and with their saving from the old slaveries will come the long awaited freedoms that mankind believes it has but doesn't.

Have you built your bunker yet. Yes you have- you constructed it out of smugness.
Safe in your four by fours? Not a bit of it. Nature has recently shown them to be nothing short of useless. A flooded stream versus the technologically advanced screaming machine- I know which I'd put my life on.

If you ride a bicycle you are forced to make alternative decisions. When faced with a deeply flooded ford I would suspect that most cyclists would say- no way. BUT £60 thousand worth of motor imparts arrogance and a sense of invincibility- a mini-metaphor for the western-capitalist world at large.

Think on this when on your knees receiving the sacrament, participating in mass ritual neo-cannibalism, believing in that, yourself, fretting over Christmas, or simply trying to drive through the law-breaking congestion in St John's Wood [Not a policeman to be seen by order of the Rabbi and habit] on your way to Central London for a meeting in Patisserie Valerie in Old Compton Street. You will find no Hassidic Jews there- unless they are VERY secretly gay. Now that would be a film I'd like to see. I do so love my slice of realistic hypocrisy laced with romance.' CM

'I am returned from 'outer-world' burned to the emotional core by so many of the sights I saw; had it not been for the chill, the rain and the evident affluence in ALL the shop windows I could easily have believed I was in Brazil- such was the diversity of the human gene-pool on show today.

I have discovered to my cost that the Chinese speak their language VERY LOUDLY. Three Chinese women were sa
t at the table next to ours in Pret-a-Manger. I could not hear myself making pathetic exhortations at them to rein it in. It was far worse than being tethered to a rookery just before dusk. Mandarin or Cantonese- I have no idea, sounded like a cacophony to me, a collection of irritatingly similar LOUD noises created by the mentally deranged. NO- it was bad BECAUSE, even though the place was full, when they went, the difference was colossal. Clearly they were utterly self-interested, non-community spirited CUNTS. Plus they eat cats and dogs. I fear for any newly discovered species because they will be there in a blink of their almond eyes deciding how best to cook it. Think on that when you next ring up to order sweet and sour prawn balls. One man's prawn could be a Chinese man's monkey's clitoris.

YES of course it's racist BUT I know it, and it hardly constitutes hate speech. Leave that to the bible bashers preacher on the street corner in the rain. What martyr's they are to Leviticus. They too a dim view of the girl selling the Big Issue- she was a muslim in a veil, probably made of a mix of two threads. That's a mortal sin in Leviticus- she is damned for eternity then, along with me and my man. BTW all the preachers were utter munters.

Then there were the hugely demonstrative HETS. Aw bless!!! Do they really feel so gender insecure that they have to blazon it in neon at EVERY opportunity. Has the heterosexual couple obstacle become a badge of potency? Is holding hands a metaphor for your dick-head lingering on her moist labia? Snogging with tongues. Yes. Yes. None of us is so dim that we don't get the message. She will not be going down on a woman anytime soon and he doesn't suck cock...much. Good for you. Now get a grip and get a room.

And Horsham today was filled to the brim with the upshot of all this 'absolutely NOT GAY' activity- KIDS. Pregnant mothers in the Battle of The Bulge. [Mingling with obese people in the Battle of The Bulge] and nouveaux nimby parents in 'the lists' with their mighty steeds- the mega-buggies with multiple extras [average £1 thousand a throw don't you know]. And what space invaders they fucking are.

Throw into this melange very very fat people riding mobility scooters at speeds that most fit people find difficult to walk PLUS random uncontrolled toddlers with useless umbrellas and you have the perfect recipe for mayhem.

It was mayhem. I heard parents rage at their gene pool and could not understand what they were saying. I heard mums and dads laughing with their kids and chatting to them in ga ga lingo and, once more, had no idea what they were saying.

I saw a hit and run incident with a mobility scooter and a three year old. The child was severely scolded. The scooter was gone- like something from a Bond movie.

I am disabled make way, make way.
I am caring for a piss and shit and scream machine, make way.
I am a woman, make way.
I am a foreigner making my way, make way, make way.
I am old and armed to the hilt, make fucking way.

Has this country gone utterly barking mad?

Yes constable, what seems to be the matter?
Well sir, you were seen holding this other gentleman's hand in public and it caused offence. The person it caused to, reported the offence to me. I am bound by the law as it stands to arrest you for causing an offence to decency in a public place. Now come with me- the both of you.
He's half-caste.
Ah! I'll ring my desk sergeant. That may mean I can let you off here and now with a caution.' CM

'Okay! I am going out today- a foray into people world. Fuck! Wish me luck! We were going to Brighton- nice place, but way to in your face for how I'm feeling.
Catch up with what I've been doing on my fan-page Chris Madoch Art.

Yesterday had just the best phone call from Dave Mitchell. Thank you bro- as usual the light fills with glittery bits after. Spoke at some length with my mad-cap co-writer
 Mike Knowles- we are cooking guacamole and goat stew flavoured ice-cream and the Catholic Church are gonna get a face-full. It looks like spunk or manna from heaven- they're well used to it. BUT vee vill make you pay via our pay-pall account. LOL.

Our Hollywood 'A' Listers are in London until tomorrow- hopefully misbehaving. I texted them to avoid Whitewall. The police have it cordoned off- a mad-man, naked, wielding a knife, is sat atop a statue of a horse. Bet his bum is cold. LOL.

At least I know for SURE he's not Mike Knowles or Dave Mitchell. However it could be Private Eye, ex-Father McGinty- the perverted bastard with an office in Old Compton Street. He's bound to beat the beige camaroon biscuit PM to the front page of the Sunday fire-lighters.' CM

'I have just completed the 10 interior black and illustrations for my next book- due out the end of January 2013: a collection of short literary fiction for adults called SEX WITH STRANGERS. Now I have to execute the cover illustration and complete the last of the stories 'Glenda's Transition'.

You can read one of the stories 'The News From My Area' in the forthcoming edition of Paraphilia Online
 Magazine. There I have the good fortune to be Associate Editor and also Editor in Chief of their poetry supplement Paraseptic Rites [First issue out in the new year]

My novel LIVING WITH LESLEY DYING FOR FAME is scheduled for publication later in 2013.

I am currently working on a commission: a trilogy for 13-19yrs which I am calling THE WEIRD WORLD OF COLIN WIRED.

With my co-writer Mike Knowles I have completed two rom-com movie scripts. We are working on a cop series for TV and a graphic novel.

Needless to say there is more in the melting pot.

There is a collective with Alabaster and Mercury and Larry Kuechlin- ready to go but we await the publication date for that.


My 'dangerous and beautiful' book is still available from the dedicated sales page on the publisher's website: Erbacce Press. This company do not deal with Amazon. If you go to Amazon you will be told 1] the book is out of print- this is NOT true or 2] that you can purchase it at a discount from an independent Amazon bookseller who is doing this without my permission and thus robbing me of my royalty. If you want the book or copies for your friends please buy it from the publishers website- the price includes postage and packaging WORLDWIDE.' CM

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