'The American Eastern Seaboard is in the critical thrall of a tremendous natural crisis. My sympathies. BUT-
Yours is a nation vastly rich in wealth and resources and you will cope, as you have shown that you have coped before. This is not a crisis of hugely humanitarian proportions on the scale of those that happen regularly to unfairly impoverished countries bu
t barely get anywhere near the front pages of the New York Times. We really do properly contextualise our new gathering.
In the UK the media is swamped with news from America as a general rule BUT anyone with a global sense can use the BBC World Service where the broadcast news is ALWAYS global. You get far less hysterics there and a better sense of perspective.
There have been deaths already because of hurricane Sandy [they always give them girls names LOL] and even one death is one death too many BUT I would suggest that most Americans would hardly miss a heartbeat if they happened upon the news that 200 souls perished in Guatemala. The Americans who I know and love are of the opinion that the American population is generally very inward looking- believing the globe begins and ends with their borders.
Whether Americans like the foreign policy or not it is the policy of the American Government to 'police' the world. Surely with this vast commitment should go your countries sincere undertaking to raise significantly your citizens awareness of global issues. I have seen an American middle-class couple agree that Iran is situated where Australia is and state that it should be nuked.
I am glad that attaining the Presidency is such an exhaustive process- even though every one of you born in America bangs on about having the right to become President, thank God only few of you ever make it. I shall not even begin to critique the records of those who made it. That's a whole crock of shit and you know it.
Your founding fathers are spinning in their graves at the prospect of a Mormon [of all ridiculous things] reaching the White House, they very much dislike any religious attachment to any political matters. Quite right too.
They knew like I do that none of your prayers from any persuasion will change the direction of that storm from hell snapping cranes in two many stories above Manhattan.
You have impeached Presidents. Have you not enough reason to impeach your God's for raining on your parade? What an inconvenience- the Liberty Bell not sounding for two days. LOL.' CM
In the UK the media is swamped with news from America as a general rule BUT anyone with a global sense can use the BBC World Service where the broadcast news is ALWAYS global. You get far less hysterics there and a better sense of perspective.
There have been deaths already because of hurricane Sandy [they always give them girls names LOL] and even one death is one death too many BUT I would suggest that most Americans would hardly miss a heartbeat if they happened upon the news that 200 souls perished in Guatemala. The Americans who I know and love are of the opinion that the American population is generally very inward looking- believing the globe begins and ends with their borders.
Whether Americans like the foreign policy or not it is the policy of the American Government to 'police' the world. Surely with this vast commitment should go your countries sincere undertaking to raise significantly your citizens awareness of global issues. I have seen an American middle-class couple agree that Iran is situated where Australia is and state that it should be nuked.
I am glad that attaining the Presidency is such an exhaustive process- even though every one of you born in America bangs on about having the right to become President, thank God only few of you ever make it. I shall not even begin to critique the records of those who made it. That's a whole crock of shit and you know it.
Your founding fathers are spinning in their graves at the prospect of a Mormon [of all ridiculous things] reaching the White House, they very much dislike any religious attachment to any political matters. Quite right too.
They knew like I do that none of your prayers from any persuasion will change the direction of that storm from hell snapping cranes in two many stories above Manhattan.
You have impeached Presidents. Have you not enough reason to impeach your God's for raining on your parade? What an inconvenience- the Liberty Bell not sounding for two days. LOL.' CM
'We live an era when the plagiarisers are copying the mediocre- I guess because it is far less taxing than mimicking genuine original talent. The utter cunts are at it- pretending to be more than they are in the process of feeding the vast maw of a fat society which has abandoned any attachment to discernment. The shit is sugared.' CM
'The practice that is the sexual rape and molestation of very young and pre-pubescent children has been an alarming habit acquired by mankind and indeed womankind over centuries of what history likes to label 'civilisation'. I can cite irrefutable examples from all eras but I want you to do your own sordid research. These are facts and not just mere history which is quite untrustworthy.
Sadly it
remains with us today- alive and very unwell. It can be in our midst unnoticed, as the Jimmy Saville case in the UK is current testimony to.
This predatory paedophile received a knighthood from the Catholic church- itself something of a safe haven for perverts who have still escaped proper justice. I do so love the irony of that.
Is their any amount of charitable fund-raising that justifies a fully fledged and famous adult thrusting his fevered hand down the front of the short trousers of a nine year old boy? What price shall we put on that to make it go away.
Because, make no bones about it, it is that dreadful capitalist question and the hypocrisy that it highlights that is at the heart of our hand wringing at every daily revelation.
Why should a whistle-blower be vilified. We need them to report on suspect practices in EVERY walk of life BECAUSE where the end game is GREEDY AMOUNTS OF MONEY there will always be suspect practices and human suffering.
The old and the frail, the educationally challenged and the mentally ill are at grave risk. Anyone who deviates from the biscuit coloured norm runs them a close second. Where has our sense of care and community dissipated to? Well it has and we are lessened by it.
We are all to blame for the sins that come to plague our societies and those examples have gotten to be far more defining of who and what we are than all of our art and cutting edge science.
The bull at the heart of the Jimmy Saville dartboard is unquestionably the BBC who always put their own PECUNIARY welfare before forensically examining the substance of such repeat rumour that came their way OFTEN. Like any CLUB they have no excuse. They have behaved shamefully and should stop prevaricating and own up to it.' CM
This predatory paedophile received a knighthood from the Catholic church- itself something of a safe haven for perverts who have still escaped proper justice. I do so love the irony of that.
Is their any amount of charitable fund-raising that justifies a fully fledged and famous adult thrusting his fevered hand down the front of the short trousers of a nine year old boy? What price shall we put on that to make it go away.
Because, make no bones about it, it is that dreadful capitalist question and the hypocrisy that it highlights that is at the heart of our hand wringing at every daily revelation.
Why should a whistle-blower be vilified. We need them to report on suspect practices in EVERY walk of life BECAUSE where the end game is GREEDY AMOUNTS OF MONEY there will always be suspect practices and human suffering.
The old and the frail, the educationally challenged and the mentally ill are at grave risk. Anyone who deviates from the biscuit coloured norm runs them a close second. Where has our sense of care and community dissipated to? Well it has and we are lessened by it.
We are all to blame for the sins that come to plague our societies and those examples have gotten to be far more defining of who and what we are than all of our art and cutting edge science.
The bull at the heart of the Jimmy Saville dartboard is unquestionably the BBC who always put their own PECUNIARY welfare before forensically examining the substance of such repeat rumour that came their way OFTEN. Like any CLUB they have no excuse. They have behaved shamefully and should stop prevaricating and own up to it.' CM
'I am very happy that Ed Milliband, the Labour Party leader, took the media celebrity figures, the very gobby femme Janet Street-Porter and the homophobe Jeremy Clarkson, to task on their hopelessly ignorant remarks about people with depression- an illness they seem to view as unnecessary or a fashion accessory. How very depressing of them.
The facts are that 40% of UK society will suffer some fo
The facts are that 40% of UK society will suffer some fo
rm of mental illness in their lives and a very large number of that 40% will be the creative artists who have the immense talents to create intuitive and profoundly instructive mirrors to show to the world. And were would we be without them? Lumbered with the dubious efforts of Janet Street-Porter and Jeremy Clarkson who are at best only 'journalists'. They may rue what they have said from their platforms of privilege when Dementia sets in or they suffer an utterly unexpected Nervous Breakdown. The brain and the mind are not bomb-proof.
Another yesterday celeb mouthing off was one-time comic Jim Davidson [I know one of his ex-wives very well and she is SO happy to be rid and ecstatically remarried.]- he was implying that the media was swamped with perverts BUT THAT he thought [who gives a monkeys] the majority of those were 'the gays' because they loved the media industry. WELL you prize plonker, how very dare you.
Another yesterday celeb mouthing off was one-time comic Jim Davidson [I know one of his ex-wives very well and she is SO happy to be rid and ecstatically remarried.]- he was implying that the media was swamped with perverts BUT THAT he thought [who gives a monkeys] the majority of those were 'the gays' because they loved the media industry. WELL you prize plonker, how very dare you.
The word gay is not a synonym for pervert. You should be reported to the police for using it as such. I have met the risable homophobic Jim and he is either so thick or plastered he will never know what the word synonym means. He is VERY right wing and I would not be surprised to discover that he secretly funds the BNP. Total prat. Nevertheless the British press bought into what he had to say. Have they taken leave of their senses?
I do believe they might have.' CM
I do believe they might have.' CM
'The best advice I can give you is to take the fact of being alive very seriously BUT ALSO to most seriously and courageously advance yourself in the art of humour and anarchy. Rules are for wimps. LOL.' CM
'I have a treasured Welsh kinsman friend who some time ago surpassed the test of a true friendship, yet we have never met: only possible in this age of PC political incorrectness; I believe him and in him and he has thus far never let me down and I have no fear of him doing so.
He has true creative vision and commitment.
Now he is singularly motivated. Of course he has my total support.' CM
He has true creative vision and commitment.
Now he is singularly motivated. Of course he has my total support.' CM
'Finishing today my latest short fiction for Paraphilia- the best literary magazine online.
I started it after my second viewing of the movie NIL BY MOUTH.
My working title was AS BAD AS IT GETS- yes, how do we properly reflect in our art the sheer depth of human depravity, its widespread scale, the degree to which it is largely ignored by politicians, religions and the media as if it were some
I started it after my second viewing of the movie NIL BY MOUTH.
My working title was AS BAD AS IT GETS- yes, how do we properly reflect in our art the sheer depth of human depravity, its widespread scale, the degree to which it is largely ignored by politicians, religions and the media as if it were some
epidemic that will burn itself out on its own WITHOUT appearing too indulgent, too avant garde, too performance art?
It is a problem. You write something which is uncomfortable to read, something that panders to none of our advertisement honed misrepresentations of life. It is difficult to float that on western capitalist seas which are choc full of dream-liners laden with fools.
And the story will have very adult sexual scenes and references that literally make EL JAMES's work appear so childish and deeply patronising. YET that is what you bought in your millions- some as a guilty secret. What the fuck were you doing? Why are you empowering the crap mill to be mildly titillated by talentless shit?
Your media controlled life.
Anyway this story and the next will totally complete my collection called SEX WITH STRANGERS- this has now found a publisher and is scheduled for sale at the end of January 2013. With a bit of luck you will make this book a part of your free life. It need not be a guilty secret.' CM
It is a problem. You write something which is uncomfortable to read, something that panders to none of our advertisement honed misrepresentations of life. It is difficult to float that on western capitalist seas which are choc full of dream-liners laden with fools.
And the story will have very adult sexual scenes and references that literally make EL JAMES's work appear so childish and deeply patronising. YET that is what you bought in your millions- some as a guilty secret. What the fuck were you doing? Why are you empowering the crap mill to be mildly titillated by talentless shit?
Your media controlled life.
Anyway this story and the next will totally complete my collection called SEX WITH STRANGERS- this has now found a publisher and is scheduled for sale at the end of January 2013. With a bit of luck you will make this book a part of your free life. It need not be a guilty secret.' CM
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