Thursday, 18 October 2012


To be honest Jimmy Saville never 'fixed' it for me in no way shape or form- he always had struck me as having something villainously perverse hung like a dead albatross around his scrawny neck.
It seems I was not the only one to hold such alarming intuitions. Yet this predatory peadophile inclined to all sorts- both kinds in all the sizes, was allowed to build himself kingly powerbase in the public-eye accruing both immense fame and fortune in a field which remains magnetically attractive to children, popular culture, a genre which embraces some degree of openly bizarre activity as being part of the craft of entertainment.
Saville was not casting himself as the shy and retiring type. The persona he created was more than persuasive enough to cast aside the doubts of detractors such as myself and the many others who traded dark rumours about him to no avail.
What a very clever operator he was. And how stupid, it turns out, all of his employers, his audience and family and friends have been. Granted the man is dead and not here to defend himself BUT the evidence that has stacked up is immense and seems to be incontrovertible.

Over a time-span of at least three decades this singularly unattractive creature [look objectively at the images] with a dubious bank of talent [look objectively at the legacy] used the BBC, his charitable enterprises including hospitals for the vulnerable, as a lure to fish for flesh to satisfy his illegal appetites. And in that time THERE WERE rumours and THERE WERE a number of complaints drawn to the attention of his superiors and the police BUT 'for reasons we are yet to know' none of these caused him any lasting trouble. The 'king's' abject denials were ALWAYS accepted as gospel truth. His many victims suffered in silence, kids terrified by his threats of what would happen to them if they spoke out.
Additionally evidence is mounting to suggest that responsible adults in and around where this beast variously operated were witnesses or partial witnesses or at least had their suspicions alerted yet felt impotent to act upon what they suspected. They would all have felt differently if it had been their own child being sexually molested.

In the early days of this scandal unfolding I was struck by two things- firstly, some section of Saville's family immediately jumped to his defense; my guess is at the behest of a TV company. Shame on them. Their protests were very short-lived: secondly,  I got the distinct feeling that because most of the early evidence hinged on the molestation of teenage GIRLS that Saville's repute was being afforded some leeway by the media. This was not the case among the people in the street who began quite justifiable desecrating celebratory plaques put up in the 'great entertainer's' name. Had these girls been boys or younger the nature of the reporting would have been very different.

It transpires that boys were molested and the whole tenure of the investigation has changed to encompass full blown paedophilia with more than a suggestion that he may not have acted alone.

What this case behoves us all to admit is that, as a society, we share a collaborative and collective responsibility for the welfare of our children, and if we allow behaviour like this to go unnoticed for so long and for the victim count to stack up so great then we are all of us to blame. It is us who have created the majority of the necessary elements in our culture for such crimes to be committed and to remain undiscovered- no question of it.
And in this key people have been dazzled by celebrity. It happens a great deal. We would not countenance that a member of the royal family might be capable of murder whilst at the same time never questioning that a street dwelling crack addict would be. Power, position and celebrity are capable of shielding very many sins AND IT IS US who have allowed that to be the case.
It is for this reason that the government chief whip will not go to prison for four months for swearing at the police whereas an innocent bystander at the recent London riots suffered just that.

Our society is UNFAIR and it is not fair to describe it as civilised. How unfair is it when a potential whistle-blower cannot find the courage to put the whistle to their lips because of their fear of being vilified for doing their duty.
We may as well hang a huge banner in the sky announcing- 'Feel free to sexually molest our children.' Clearly that is what Jimmy Saville thought that he had read in the heavens.  

'G'morning F'bookers- just the good lookers. LOL.

Let me be fiendishly unkind: you know how I loathe the PC brigade- I suffered the realisation last night that transgenders and transvestites who can only manage pug-ugly parodies of women most probably in fact find REAL women who do, sadly, epitomise their look and thereby give them some validity. I spot them quite regularly.

Yesterday I saw two 
brilliant indeterminates- they were both grandmothers. Mmm food for thought. AND a brassy cougar whose feet and hands gave him/her away. Ola!

It is in our nature to ensure that there will always be something missing- perfection like happiness will always remain just out of our grasp: the more so if you dedicate your entire life to the shallow pursuance of such things.

I have always put forward the argument that a truly civilised society would rid itself of all things gender emphatic. What a loathsome burden they all are?' CM

'First thought on finding that I was awake- oh, give me a break! The price you have to pay for living semi-rurally apart from NO buses is the pretense at living in a tidy war-zone: let me explain; at this time of year the farms are allowed to use high-tech 'crow scarers', automatic timed gun sounds that go off in pairs at twenty minute intervals throughout the day AND NIGHT.

Hence my slight degree of irascibility.

Don't go all sentimental on me- these are not chocolate box tillers of the soil, these are multi-millionaire landowners who are part of the cartels at the heart of the food production for profit or health crisis in the UK. Noisy fat cat bastards.' CM

'Oh the blssful irony- the very myopic UK police, who apparently we have to show unquestioning respect to at all times whether we are plebs or nobs, TODAY apologised to a BLIND man for tazering him: they mistook his blind person's white stick for a samurai sword, allegedly. What utterly pathetic plonkers. Is this the future yardstick by which they would like us to judge their 'holier than thou' be
havior? I just cannot abide their hypocrisy- they have jobs with fine salaries and considerable job security AND THEY KNOW THE RISKS. If our police were armed that blind man would be dead. The police should remember exactly whose employ they are in- ours, the voter come tax-payer.

Methinks there is a danger that they may be becoming a might too big for their boots.

That they are racists and liars may be proven by recent events. That they are corrupt and consider themselves above the law is currently under investigation as is their varied response to differing classes within society. Clearly they can be bought off.

Yet at the same time they want us to mourn their dead killed in the line of duty; doing their job. Just get a grip and take the rough with the smooth like the rest of us have to.

Root out the criminals, bullies, racists and elitists from the midst of your uniform culture and YES our respect may then follow.' CM

'I've got my 'can I really be bovvered wiv all this FB cock' head on: it reminds me of time in my childhood when I had toys called 'swoppits'- these were cowboys and indians or knights in armour all on various horses AND you could swop heads and bodies and bits of kit etc.
Kinda creepy. But yes. I was into peculiar hybrids at a very early age. LOL.

I also rather liked 'Mr Ben's' wardrobe of perso
nalities. Still do as a matter of fact.
It is a dream: the marvelous idea of waking up as just soul energy and going to a walk-in closet where you can thumb through various humanoids and lives you have created and deciding which one to wear hat particular day. Oh so many truly wicked possibilities come to mind. LOL.

Finally, social networks do have the effect of making me appear to be invisible at times, regardless of all my many efforts to be anything but. Now, where the fuck is my cloak of invisibility- that would be a prop everyone I know would love to own. Just think of the entertainment mileage in that. LOL.' CM

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